The formidable couple making sustainable (and beautiful) home design accessible to all | Podcast

Lisa and Boots chat with Kim & Rog from Living the Team Life podcast about making sustainable (and beautiful) home design accessible to all.

Have you ever dreamed of building your own sustainable home? You know, like one off the design shows a home that looks and feels amazing to live in, all whilst delivering you the dream life of never having to pay another utility bill.

It sounds out of reach, right?

Building is complicated, expensive, daunting. Well, Lisa and Boots are smashing that idea. The old-fashioned notion that the everyday Aussie can't get seriously involved in making sure their house has good, sustainable design. And not just that, they're arming people with enough information to make these builds affordable.

That's right, affordable, beautiful, sustainable homes. It doesn't get much better.

Lisa and Boots are trailblazers, and this conversation will knock your socks off as you think of all the possibilities.


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